
2024年9月20日、オンライン医学雑誌「Cureus」へ『縫合模擬作業中のウェアラブルチェアの有無による精神的負担と主観的感覚の比較』についての研究論文を、アルケリスユーザーである 自治医科大学 外科学講座 消化器一般移植外科 病院助教 篠原翔一Dr.に掲載頂きました。

Comparing Mental Strain and Subjective Sensations With and Without a Wearable Chair While Performing Simulated Suturing Tasks

Shoichi Shinohara 1, Kosuke Oiwa 2, Yoshitaka Maeda 3, Tsuneari Takahashi 4, Yuji Kaneda 5, Naohiro Sata 1, Hironori Yamaguchi 1, Hiroshi Kawahira 5

  1. Department of Surgery, Division of Gastroenterological, General and Transplant Surgery, Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, JPN.
  2. Department of Information and Management Systems Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, JPN.
  3. Medical Simulation Center, Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, JPN.
  4. Department of Orthopaedics, Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, JPN.
  5. Medical Simulation Center/Department of Surgery, Division of Gastroenterological, General and Transplant Surgery, Jichi Medical University, Shimotsuke, JPN.


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